Rat Peter

I have from 12-year a fishing pension in Crisan (Danube Delta). I have been very often in Danube Delta for fishing before as well, but after opening this pension named "Pike Pension" I'm spending at least 8-10 months per year here. At the beginning I fished for other species too, but in last 6-8 years I'm fishing only pikes.

I have to admit I'm a passionate fisherman too and I go as often as I can to fishing. I know the lures marketed by GDP Sportfishing about some time ago, and I was very excited to see them here in our country on their site. Svartzonker is a world champion no doubt, very good, but Hidehook anti-weeds lure is a brilliant invention too, especially when pikes are hidden among underwater plants. And as it is known they are there almost all year long.

I love Headbanger lures too - as she shakes her head like no other lure - make mad every pike, even in summer time, when the water is hot, it's sunny and it's usually hard to catch something but the pike can not resist and hit with an extraordinary vehemence this lure. It can be seen that the guys from GBP Sportfishing know pike fishing, they have some really very good lures and gears.

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